Blake Vs. Snake

Today, as I was drinking my morning coffee, I found this. A slithering snake along my front door.


I posted the photo to WeChat as I tried to figure out what to do. Some of my students gave responses I would expect:

“That’s horrid – did you finish it off?”


“What the f…”

“Holy cow!!!”

“It is terrible”

“So scary~”

But then, I started getting some comments that reminded me that I am in Peace Corps China…

“Capture it alive, and we can use it to stew!”

“It tastes good, u can try”

“Cook it”

“Do you want to eat it?”

“wow! if it is nonpoisonous, you can cook it for a soup or bake it with some pepper and garlic! to be delicious!”


Well, I caught her! I’m not sure what to do next, but I may try to coax her into my wok with some oil and garlic. Cultural integration, right? 😛

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